La Ronge Man Set To Receive Medal For Bravery

Friday, October 31, 2008 at 14:31



A young man from La Ronge is receiving the Governor General’s Medal for Bravery after risking his life to save his friend.


Three years ago, 18-year old Edwin Merasty and his friend Brent McDonnell were swimming in the rapids on the Montreal River when the current became too strong for McDonell, and the water began to drag him down.


Merasty says he heard his friend calling his name, so he swam to McDonnell’s location hoping to help him to shore.


They finally reached land after 10 minutes of struggling in the water — but were so exhausted, they couldn’t move.


Merasty hopes to make it to the February ceremony in Ottawa, noting that is about the same time his first child will be born.