La Ronge Conservation Officers Looking for Cougars

Monday, January 05, 2004 at 13:37



La Ronge area residents are being reminded to contact Environment officials if they come across a cougar.


Conservation officer Brad Johns says that while there has been talk lately of more cougar sightings in the area, nothing has been reported to Saskatchewan Environment for a couple of weeks now.


Johns says it’s important for the public to report any sightings or footprints so department staff can continue to try and determine a pattern of behaviour and whether there is more than one cat.


Johns says while it’s more likely for a person to be struck by lightning than attacked by a cougar, it’s still important for people to use common sense when it comes to prevention.


There were second-hand reports over the weekend of a cougar spotted on Sinotte Crescent in La Ronge, but again, nothing confirmed.