La Loche, Oilsand Quest Make Agreement Official

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 14:16



The northern village of La Loche formally signed an exploration agreement with Oilsands Quest in Regina this morning — but missing from the table was the Clearwater River Dene Nation.


La Loche Mayor Georgina Jolibois calls the agreement very exciting and a great opportunity for not only her community, but surrounding communities, as well.


However, the neighbouring Clearwater River Dene Nation was not at today’s signing, opting instead to do its talking through a press release issued late yesterday.


The band is calling for a provincial inquiry into how the oil shale permits Oilsands Quest purchased in 2004 were transferred to oil sands permits last year.


Oilsands Quest CEO Christopher Hopkins will only say that negotiations between his company and the band are ongoing.


Hopkins also doesn’t think the agreement with the village will put pressure on the First Nation to sign a similar deal.


He says other Aboriginal groups are welcome to sign agreements with his company, but the terms of those will be the same as the one negotiated with the village.