Judge Temporarily Suspends MNC Affairs
Friday, September 07, 2007 at 16:19
A judge in Ontario has ordered that all political decision-making at the Metis National Council be temporarily put on hold.
According to a court order agreed to by both parties involved in the ongoing leadership struggle at the MNC, no decisions or directions made by the organization’s board of governors or cabinet since July 31st are to be acted upon until further notice.
In addition, the two sides have agreed that there be no meetings of the MNC board of governors or cabinet and no business conducted in the interim.
As well, a meeting of the Metis General Assembly can’t take place without the court’s permission.
MNC chief administrative officer Dale LeClair has been designated to handle the day-to-day operations of the organization until the issue is settled by the court.
Clem Chartier, who was stripped of his title as MNC president about a month ago, says he wishes he and the four provincial Metis leaders who ousted him could work together.
Chartier and Manitoba Metis Federation President David Chartrand are seeking to have him reinstated before the general assembly scheduled for mid-October.
Chartier says another hearing will likely take place next week.