Investigator Finds Internal Problems At Wanuskewin

Friday, January 11, 2008 at 22:31



A report obtained by Missinipi Broadcasting tells a story of internal strife at Wanuskewin Heritage Park.


The park’s board of directors hired an independent investigator to prepare it.


It includes allegations of mismanagement and abuse.


One former employee alleges Chief Executive Officer Sheila Gamble said another employee was mentally ill and spent time in hospital.


Others allege Gamble told one staff member another was an alcoholic, and that an employee’s mother was a fraudster and a criminal.


The current staff at Wanuskewin had no such stories.


They said they had never seen Gamble be mean or disrespectful to anyone.


Those employees have been working there for less than a year.


The investigator also recommended the board of directors study pay renumeration at the centre, because she says — on the surface — it appears First Nations employees are all paid on an hourly basis, while non-First Nations workers are on salary.


In her report, the investigator says there is no clear pay grid to indicate what people should be paid.


The investigator also looked into allegations of false reporting to the board.


In one case, the board was told a fired employee was being taken to small claims court — but there was no court evidence of the matter.


The investigator says that, over time, there appeared to be less and less accountability expected or demanded of the CEO.


Gamble could not be reached for comment.