Inquest Scheduled Into Suspected Fatal Wolf Attack

Monday, August 13, 2007 at 12:33



New dates have been set for a long-awaited coroner’s inquest into the death of an Ontario man suspected to have been killed by wolves in northern Saskatchewan two years ago.


Saskatchewan Justice spokesman Andrew Dinsmore says the inquest into 22-year-old Kenton Carnegie’s death will take place in Prince Albert from October 29th to November 2nd.


The exact location of the proceedings still has to be determined, but Dinsmore says it will be presided over by Saskatoon coroner Alma Wiebe.


The inquest was previously scheduled to take place this past February, but was postponed.


Carnegie’s body was discovered near Points North Landing on November 8th, 2005.


A local coroner stated publicly that she thought wolves were to blame.


The provincial government has yet to concur with that assessment.


Carnegie was in the region doing work for a geophysics company.