Indian Affairs, RCMP At Odds Over Piapot Dispute
Tuesday, November 09, 2004 at 15:56
Indian Affairs is apparently tired of waiting for the RCMP to enforce a court injunction on protestors at the school on the Piapot First Nation.
It’s prepared to ask a judge to rule the protestors are in contempt of court, thereby forcing the RCMP to remove them.
The school has been the scene of a sit-in by protestors for the last month, who don’t approve of the school’s new curriculum.
Yesterday, another group of band members opposed to the protest moved in on the school, and are currently camped out in the building’s gymnasium.
Indian Affairs spokesman Trevor Sutter points out it’s been over a week since the injunction was granted, and feels it’s time for the RCMP to enforce the injunction ordering the protestors out of the school.
Sutter says he knows the Mounties are hoping to see the two sides settle this dispute without police involvement, but Sutter says it’s clear the two parties are too far apart for that to happen.
The RCMP is monitoring the situation at the Piapot school, and so far, the demonstrations have been peaceful.