Iacobucci To Help Get Truth Commission On Track

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at 15:02



The man who helped broker a multi-billion-dollar residential school settlement agreement is being called upon again to provide a service to survivors.


Lawyers for the various parties involved in the court-approved deal have announced that Justice Frank Iacobucci has agreed to act as facilitator to help the Truth and Reconciliation Commission get back on track.


Aboriginal leaders across the country have expressed concerns about the commission’s mandate following the resignation of Justice Harry LaForme as commission chair on October 19th.


Iacobucci was the federal representative in the negotiations that led to the signing of the settlement agreement in May, 2006.


An initial meeting between Iacobucci, the churches, the government and Aboriginal organizations will take place this Friday in Toronto — and the discussions are expected to be confidential.


According to a joint statement issued today, “All parties remain committed to seeing the mandate of the TRC carried out as quickly as possible”.