HRDC Clarifies Role in Ending METSI Protest

Monday, December 06, 2004 at 15:30



A spokesperson for Human Resources Development Canada says steps have been taken to ensure service delivery is maintained at a Metis training centre in Saskatoon.


Last week, staff and former board members seized control of the office in the city’s downtown.


At the time, the demonstrators stated some of them had suffered intimidation at the hands of a local area director and that certain rules were being broken.


The Metis Nation of Saskatchewan countered by saying the only ones breaking rules were the staff members who were throwing the centre’s clients out into the cold.


HRDC spokesperson Tina Ebert says an agreement was struck with the METSI head office to have it take control of the centre, which seemed to satisfy the people conducting the sit-in.


Ebert adds staff members with additional concerns should know that the federal department won’t become involved politically.


MNS officials were not immediately available for comment.