Hero From Flying Dust Honoured By MD Ambulance
Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at 13:57
A woman from the Flying Dust First Nation is one of several Saskatchewan residents honoured by MD Ambulance yesterday for acts of heroism.
Lisa Lambert received her Good Samaritan Award in a ceremony in Saskatoon.
Lambert, who’s a nurse, was recognized for coming to the aid of her uncle, who went into cardiac arrest during a speech at his own wedding last August.
Lambert and a friend of the bride tried resuscitating him for 15 minutes before an ambulance arrived.
A defibrillator had to be used three times before ambulance personnel could detect a pulse.
His bride collapsed from shock as he was being put into the ambulance.
It was several days before his condition improved to the point where he could be transferred from intensive care.
Lambert says the ordeal was so emotional, she even considered giving up nursing.
Lambert’s uncle has since recovered, but wasn’t able to attend yesterday’s ceremony.