Green Party Calls For Oilsands Moratorium In Sask.
Friday, March 14, 2008 at 16:22
The Green Party isn’t pulling any punches about its stance on the oilsands heading into Monday’s by-election in northern Saskatchewan.
Party Leader Elizabeth May and Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River candidate Robin Orr are renewing their call for a moratorium on all oilsands development — including in northern Saskatchewan.
May says with Alberta’s tar sands causing acid rain to fall in our province, her party is not afraid to join the growing call to re-assess all oilsands development.
She says with local leaders in Alberta calling for a halt to development in that province — Saskatchewan should be taking a wait-and-see approach regarding its oilsands potential.
May insists there are clean, renewable energy alternatives for northern communities, such as wind and solar energy.