Government Urged To Do More Advertising About IAP

Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 15:05



A former First Nations chief is accusing Ottawa of deliberately limiting advertising about a compensation program for residential school survivors.


Pascal Bighetty works for a non-profit organization that help survivors with the Independent Assessment Process.


The IAP compensates former students for sexual abuse, serious physical abuse and certain other wrongful acts which caused serious psychological consequences for the individual.


Bighetty says the government has set aside $5 billion for payouts under that process — but will keep any unused portions not awarded by 2011.


The former Pukatawagan chief says many survivors assume they had to be sexually assaulted to quality for this payment — but he says anyone who was physically, emotionally or spiritually abused can apply.


Compensation payments under the IAP can run as high as $275,000.


Bighetty says anyone who has questions about this process, or wants help getting started can call his group at 1-866-592-7434.


He also says his group is seriously thinking about setting up an office in Prince Albert.