Goodale Offers Take On Tory Land Claims Plan

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at 15:45



One of Saskatchewan’s two Liberal MPs says a recently announced plan by the Conservatives to overhaul the land claims process in this country can be considered a step forward.


However, Ralph Goodale says that only holds true if the government follows through on its promise to work in partnership with First Nations.


The Tories say they will work with the Assembly of First Nations over the summer to draft legislation that will be introduced in the fall.


If it passes in the House of Commons, land claims in Canada will be heard by a binding, independent tribunal as early as next year.


Goodale notes he still needs to see what the process eventually produces.


He also says the initiative hasn’t made Aboriginal people forget that the Tories dumped the $5-billion Kelowna Accord negotiated by the Liberals.


Goodale and fellow Liberal MP Gary Merasty were in northeast Saskatchewan yesterday, visiting the communities of Creighton and Denare Beach.