Gold Eagle Casino Profits Buy New Hospital Monitor

Friday, July 17, 2009 at 13:57



Hospital patients in the Battlefords can be monitored much more easily now, thanks to the Battlefords Agency Tribal Council Community Development Corporation.


Yesterday, the BATC CDC presented a cheque for $100,000 to the local hospital.


That money covers almost all of the cost for a new monitor installed in the Battlefords Union Hospital Intensive Care Unit.


Eight patients can be monitored with this machine – four inside the unit and four outside it.


Patients can also be monitored when they are taking a stroll through the hospital.


Money for the machine represents part of the profits from the Gold Eagle Casino in North Battleford.


Gold Eagle Casino general manager Kelly Atcheynum says the casino is proud to provide much needed equipment for the hospital.


In total, the monitor costs just under $119,000.


The Prairie North Health Region is picking up the remainder of that tab.