Gelowitz Happy With Aboriginal Voter Support

Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 12:17



A Liberal candidate in the upcoming by-election for a provincial riding in Saskatoon says her party is making in-roads with Aboriginal voters.


Eileen Gelowitz says she’s encouraged by the things she’s hearing so far from voters in her constituency, Saskatoon Riversdale.


The Big River band member says her party wants to improve the relationship between First Nations and Metis people and the government.


Gelowitz says the Liberals want to use treaties as a blueprint for the future, while creating a First Nations secretariat within the office of the premier.


“It provides the tools to create a more amicable relationship, rather than this constant battle between the provincial government and First Nations and Metis people,” she says.


Constituents in Saskatoon Riversdale and Regina Douglas Park head to the polls on Sept. 21.