FSIN Welcomes Choice Of Truth Commission Chair
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at 13:49
The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations is very optimistic about the appointment of Harry LaForme as chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Vice-Chief Lyle Whitefish says it is important the position be filled by someone of Aboriginal ancestry, because he understands what people went through in residential schools.
He says First Nations people now want to hear an apology from Prime Minister Stephen Harper –- noting Australia’s prime minister apologized to that country’s Indigenous population last month.
Whitefish says the commission won’t be as effective if First Nations people have to wait even longer for an apology.
However, he believes the commission will be the first step towards healing.
Whitefish also says First Nations will eventually need funding support so they can find their own, culturally-relevant solutions to dealing with the social problems linked to residential schools.