FSIN Unhappy With Duty To Consult Interim Report

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 13:31



A vice-Chief with the FSIN says he’s disappointed with a draft of the province’s duty to consult policy that was released yesterday.


However, Vice-Chief Delbert Wapass says he is eager to meet with the province and work on the framework.


Wapass says some of the language in the document does not sit well with him… and suspects other First Nations people will feel the same way.


Wapass does not like that the government determines when First Nations people are consulted and how much… nor does he like that the government has the final say.


Wapass says the document needs to have more inclusive language and needs to also deal with resource revenue sharing… something the draft says needs to be explored further.


Wapass also wonders why this document was released yesterday when he says many First Nations band offices were closed as of Friday and he says people working within the department of First Nations and Metis Relations would know that.