FSIN Troubled By Truth Commission Resignation

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 14:40



A First Nations leader in the province says the recent departure of the chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is “a huge setback for survivors”.


Justice Harry Laforme resigned his post earlier this week due to concerns the other commissioners weren’t listening to him.


FSIN Vice-Chief Lyle Whitefish says the matter is distressing, and he worries the recent shuffling of personnel at the commission could be due to outside forces.


Whatever the cause, he says it is frustrating for many of the elderly survivors who simply want to tell their story.


Whitefish says the commission has to do a better job of keeping survivors informed about what’s going on.


He notes he hasn’t had an opportunity to meet any of the commissioners yet.


Whitefish also says the lack of Saskatchewan representation on the commission is worrisome.