FSIN Rips Tories Over Opposition To UN Declaration
Friday, September 14, 2007 at 15:33
A “giant step backwards” is how one vice-chief with the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations is describing the federal government’s decision not to support the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Guy Lonechild says the Conservative government has essentially closed another door on relations with First Nations people in Canada.
Lonechild says the government’s non-support of the document is essentially about money.
He believes the decision is sparked by Ottawa’s desire to have exclusive control over natural resources.
Lonechild says he thinks the government is also responding to several recent court decisions that support First Nations’ rights over resources.
He notes the three other countries that also opposed the declaration — the U.S., Australia and New Zealand — are countries that were colonized by foreign powers.
Lonechild also points out those countries, and Canada, are rich in resources.
As well, he wonders if the federal government will continue to praise itself as a champion of rights after this latest move.