FSIN Praises Medical Journal For Editorial

Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 14:55



The FSIN is applauding the Canadian Medical Association Journal for highlighting a problem that’s seeing disabled Aboriginal children put at risk because of jurisdictional squabbling between two levels of government.


An editorial was published in the most recent edition of the publication calling on Ottawa and the provinces to adopt an approach called “Jordan’s Principle”.


It’s a reference to a handicapped First Nations child in Manitoba who died because he didn’t get the necessary treatment due to jurisdictional haggling between Manitoba and the federal government.


Manitoba has since adopted a principle that sees the first level of government approached for funding in cases like this pay for the service immediately, with the understanding the issue of jurisdiction will get sorted out later on.


FSIN Vice-Chief Guy Lonechild says he’s glad the message is being heard, but says this approach to health care needs to be more widely adopted.


Lonechild says individuals should not be left vulnerable while governments negotiate over who has the responsibility to pay for services.