FSIN Hosts Emotional Circle Of Honour Awards

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 14:05



There were a few tears and a standing ovation as one of last night’s FSIN Circle of Honour Award winners accepted her award.


Lana Missens received the adult leadership award.


Missens is a single mother of five children, who are between the ages of 7 and 21.


She was left in a wheelchair after she was in a car crash.


Missens says her family got her through tough times because she didn’t want them to lose hope in her.


Missens encourages anyone going through a similar situation to have faith that things will be OK.


While Missens has never had a negative view of her situation, she admits there have been some really hard moments.


She says she prayed for guidance and strength to get her through those times.


Meanwhile, one of the youngest award winners at last night’s ceremony says young people should listen to their elders and their parents.


Constance Starblanket received an award for academic and scholastic achievement.


The Grade 9 student had a 96% average in her first year of high school while participating in basketball and volleyball.


Starblanket also attends many pow wows with her family.


She says if any youth are struggling, they should look to their Elders for guidance.


Starblanket says she is grateful for all that she has and where she lives when she attends pow wows in other parts of Canada and the United States.


The Circle of Honour awards are in their 10th year.