FSIN Chief Says Give Peace A Chance

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at 16:08



The chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations says he doesn’t want to see any roadblocks going up in the province to advance First Nations rights.


Lawrence Joseph says that while June 29th has been designated as a national day of action for First Nations, that doesn’t mean it needs to be disruptive or confrontational.


Instead, Joseph is promoting a national day of awareness for the Canadian public — so that non-Native Canadians can understand why more resources need to be spent on reserves, where the poverty is extreme.


He adds another myth that needs to be dispelled is that First Nations get $10 billion a year — something Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice has claimed repeatedly in recent months.


Joseph says he plans to unveil some concrete solutions to the poverty problem at an FSIN legislative assembly later this month.