FSIN Chief Placing Hope In Opposition Parties

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 15:45



The chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations is looking to federal Opposition parties to advance the agenda of First Nations issues.


Chief Lawrence Joseph says he has major concerns with the minority Conservative government, because he says First Nations issues aren’t on the party’s radar.


But Joseph says parties like the NDP want to bring First Nations’ quality of life up to par with the rest of Canadians — and so Joseph says he will work with NDP Leader Jack Layton and other parties, like the Bloc.


Joseph says he is willing to work with any party, but says he hasn’t had success with working the governing parties in the past.


He also wants to meet directly with ministers of various portfolios, such as Public Safety and Health, rather than being passed on to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs all the time.