Former Montreal Lake Chief Dies

Friday, September 04, 2009 at 12:57



The chief who negotiated the province’s first-ever health transfer agreement has passed away.


Henry Naytowhow, who was instrumental in helping the Montreal Lake Cree Nation gain control of its health services, died this week at the age of 69.


He leaves behind a vast number of family members and a long record of service to his community.


He also enabled Montreal Lake to regain control of its health services from the federal government.


Current chief Roger Bird says the band is in mourning.


“The community is quite saddened by the loss of Henry. Henry comes from a large family, and I know the family members are going to miss him,” Chief Bird says.


Wake services have already taken place in Prince Albert and on the Little Red River reserve.


They continue tonight in Montreal Lake, with a funeral set for tomorrow morning at 11 a.m.