Former MNC Leader Accused Of Using Double Standard

Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 15:18



The president of the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan is calling former Metis National Council leader Clem Chartier a “hypocrite”.


Yesterday, Robert Doucette held a press conference with Metis provincial leaders from British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario.


They were reacting to news Chartier and Manitoba Metis Federation President David Chartrand have asked for a court order that would see the courts decide which delegates will vote in the next MNC assembly, instead of letting the provincial presidents choose delegates.


Doucette says Chartier seems to have forgotten that Metis people have always fought for the right to self-determination — an argument he says Chartier used when governments became involved in the 2004 MNS election dispute.


Chartier says his preference is for Metis to self-determine their own future — but he says the courts are sometimes necessary when there is no other recourse.


He also says he and Chartrand are simply fighting to have the current MNC guidelines concerning delegate selection upheld.


Doucette says Chartier had no problems handing in his list of delegates when he was MNS president — an accusation Chartier strongly denies.


The court injunction has been adjourned until further notice.


In the meantime, no MNC business can be conducted.


That also means the October election has been postponed.


Doucette and the three other provincial presidents estimate this could cost the MNC $100,000.