FNUC Official Optimistic Ahead Of Critical Meeting

Friday, March 28, 2008 at 14:09



The president of the First Nations University of Canada says he’s confident the school will retain its membership in the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.


This coming Tuesday, members of the AUCC’s board of governors will meet in Windsor, Ontario to discuss the fate of the institution.


The school was placed on probation last year in response to firings and claims by former staff that academic freedom at the school was being compromised.


FNUC president Charles Pratt says his administration has met all of the requirements outlined to it by the association, and he expects the probationary status to be lifted.


He says the recent removal of the board’s former chair, FSIN Vice-Chief Lyle Whitefish, is another example of how the FNUC is complying with the AUCC’s wishes.


Pratt says Chief Clarence Bellgarde is the board’s new chairperson.


He also notes alternate funding from Indian Affairs is still up in the air, but core funding remains in place.