FNUC In Financial Trouble

Monday, April 16, 2007 at 15:55



Documents leaked to MBC and other media outlets indicate the First Nations University of Canada “will face serious threats to the quality of program delivery” in the coming year if it doesn’t get additional funding from the federal and provincial governments.


According to a financial report prepared for the FNUC’s board of governors at an April 4th meeting, the university needs just over $1.5 million in supplementary funding if it wants to avoid cuts to academic programming, administration and other areas.


The report says Indian Affairs has yet to approve $550,000 in top-up funding the school says was promised.


The report states that the federal department has indicated it is waiting for a report from the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada before it discusses any future financial supports.


That report is due out tomorrow, and is expected to address whether the FNUC will continue to be recognized as a member of the AUCC.


The AUCC has spent the last several months looking into allegations of political interference and restrictions on academic freedom related to a flurry of firings, suspensions and resignations in 2005.


According to the document detailing the April 4th FNUC board of governors meeting, senior management reassured the FNUC board that there is “no major panic yet” in relation to their financial situation.