FNUC Hosts Elders Gathering In La Ronge

Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 15:48



The First Nations University of Canada is holding an Elder’s Gathering in La Ronge today, in order to gain a better perspective of how Aboriginal customs and traditions can be incorporated into the university curriculum.


FNUC faculty member, Al Ducharme, says the elders are eager to discuss several topics that they find important to the survival of culture in a university setting.


He says the elders want all areas discussed during the meetings, including governance and problems facing Aboriginal youth today.


Ducharme says this conference is important because the FNUC wants to clarify the role of elders in the University and how their knowledge about culture and traditions can be past on to the students.


Approximately 40 elders from communities across the province are attending the Elders Gathering at the Motor Inn in La Ronge. The meetings wrap up this afternoon.