FNUC Firing Not Going Over Well With Students

Friday, January 09, 2009 at 13:08



A student at the First Nations University of Canada says he’s flabbergasted by a recent firing there.


Thomas Roussin says many students at the FNUC admired former academic vice-president Dr. Shauneen Pete.


She was let go this week.


Roussin says he and others were caught off guard when they found out she had been fired this week.


He mainstains the school needs her, especially considering she was the only person in the university’s administration with a Ph.D.


Roussin adds many students at the school want answers about why it happened, adding the administration needs to do a better job of communicating with its students.


He also hopes Pete knows the students support her and will miss her greatly.


Meantime, Pete’s interim replacement says he isn’t nervious about stepping into her shoes . . . at least for the time being.


Dr. Herman Michell has been with the school for the past ten years, and says he’s committed to meeting the needs of the students and the First Nations communities it serves.


The native of Kinoosao acknowledges the school’s reputation has been under fire.


He believes he has good relations with the faculty, and he says everyone seems supportive.


Michell is optimistic the university will grow and offer good education.