FNUC Board Chair Resigns

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 15:54



FSIN Vice-Chief Lyle Whitefish has resigned as chair of the First Nations University of Canada’s board of governors.


The university has been widely criticized in recent years for having elected politicians on its board.


It has also been the subject of an investigation by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada over allegations of political interference and restrictions on academic freedom.


Whitefish says he believes his resignation will serve the best interests of the FNUC, adding “we are all committed to working collectively toward achieving institutional autonomy”.


FNUC President Charles Pratt feels Whitefish’s departure “will be instrumental in addressing the main governance issue in question”.


Pratt also says Whitefish has “displayed true leadership” in the face of the financial challenges the university is facing.


Whitefish says he will continue to aggressively lobby to secure funding for the FNUC from both levels of government.


The institution has been trying to convince Indian Affairs to provide it with $1 million that university officials say the FNUC needs. The federal department has asked the university to provide a good business case for the additional funds.