First Peoples Party Defends Right To Be In Debates

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 14:52



A right to be included is how an official with the First Peoples Party of Canada is describing the group’s attempt to include itself in the upcoming federal leaders’ debates.


On October 1st and 2nd, the country’s main networks will broadcast televised debates between the main political parties.


Just recently, the consortium of broadcasters carrying the event announced that Elizabeth May of the Green Party would also be allowed to participate, after initially stating she couldn’t.


First Peoples Party spokesman Will Morin says all his group wants is to receive similar treatment — but he doubts that will happen.


Morin says the part’s exclusion is not controversial enough for the media, because the Aboriginal issue is not a big issue on the national level.


He believes there is still a lot of anti-Native sentiment in the country, or at the very least, a lot of people are “just burnt out” about hearing about Aboriginal issues.


He says the First Peoples Party is also not trying to undermine the Assembly of First Nations, and adds it is distinct from the AFN.