First Nations Educators Gather In Saskatoon
Thursday, February 07, 2008 at 13:15
The chair of an education conference taking place in Saskatoon today encouraged everyone to make sure Aboriginal children have role models.
Sharon Laflamme was speaking at the Celebrating Innovation in First Nations Education conference.
It’s being put on by the Muskoday First Nation Community School, at which Laflamme is principal.
Now a successful and admired educator, Laflamme says her road wasn’t always an easy one.
She says it lacked Aboriginal role models encouraging her to do well in school.
Laflamme says she didn’t find her role model until university, when she encountered a professor of Inuit ancestry who spoke about her culture all the time.
Aside from being role models, Laflamme also says it’s important to use forward-looking language with students — explaining to them that they need to learn a subject so they can get into the next grade or go onto higher education.
The two-day conference has drawn First Nations educators from across the province to discuss best practices in teaching, whether it’s in language and culture, curriculum, or special projects.