Feds Not Reinstating METSI Funding

Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 14:34



The Federal Government has announced it won’t be renewing funding to the Metis Employment and Training Institute of Saskatchewan anytime soon.


On Tuesday, a meeting took place between Service Canada and METSI board members in Saskatoon.


Federal government spokesman, Normand Bergeron says the reasons for not renewing the funding were outlined to board members at the meeting.


Bergeron stresses these concerns are tied to the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan and not METSI itself.


Meanwhile, he says arrangements have been made to allow existing students to finish their training. He says it’s still unclear as to when students will receive funding they are owed.


Bergeron hopes to have more details in the future.


He says the department also continues to explore alternatives in regards to how training and programs might be carried out in the future.