Event Promises Good News On Mineral Exploration

Monday, November 30, 2009 at 12:22



An official with Energy and Resources says he expects climbing commodity prices to spark renewed enthusiasm at this year’s Geological Survey Open House in Saskatoon.


Gary Delanuy is the ministry’s director of Northern Geological Survey Branch, and one of the primary organizers for this week’s event in Saskatoon.


The three-day session, which kicks off tonight, is expected to draw upwards of 700 geologists and others interested in what’s happening in Saskatchewan’s mineral exploration sector.


Delanuy says that after a rough year, the industry seems to be moving into “a bit of a revival”, and he expects to see that change in mood reflected at this week’s event.


“Last year at this time, we were very much going into the economic downturn, and I think the promise now is that we’re starting to see signs of revival coming out of countries like China to secure more mineral commodities. So I think we’re going to see a bit of a turn-around and much more of an upbeat attitude this year,” he says.


Delanuy says he expects there will be particular interest in the potential demand for energy-generating minerals, such as coal, potash, and uranium.