Elections Canada Reviewing New Voter ID Rules
Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 16:46
Elections Canada confirms its reviewing how new voter identification rules were administered in the recent by-elections.
The defeated Liberal candidate in northern Saskatchewan, Joan Beatty, says she is compiling a report of complaints she’s received from northern voters who were turned away at polling stations.
Beatty says there appeared to be a lack of consistency with how the new regulations were applied.
She also says it’s difficult for segments of the northern population to produce a document proving their street address.
Elections Canada spokesman John Enright says the review of the new voter ID rules will be part of the normal evaluation his agency conducts after every vote.
Enright also says while the agency might be able to do something about how the rules are applied, the regulations themselves can only be changed by Parliament.
Beatty hopes the investigation brings about changes in time for the next federal vote.
Beatty and NDP candidate Brian Morin both believe the confusion cost them several votes.