Elders’ Anti-Drugs March Arrives In La Ronge

Friday, July 20, 2007 at 13:34



The end is almost in sight for roughly 300 Aboriginal elders participating in this year’s annual Kokums and Mosums Against Drugs and Alcohol walk.


Men and women from 30 First Nations are taking part in this year’s event.


The marchers began their trek earlier this week in Flying Dust, and have since made their way to various reserves — including Waterhen Lake, Buffalo River and Birch Narrows.


They arrived in La Ronge this morning, and will be travelling to the Little Red River reserve and Beardy’s before the day is out.


Coordinator Richard Opikokew says this year’s walk has been a lively affair, and for some, a deeply spiritual experience — with sweats, smudges and healing circles held along the way.


Opikokew says the elders are doing well, and spirits are high.


He adds the support from motorists and communities along the way has been tremendous.


KAMADA founder Mary Rose Naytowhow says she’s very thankful for all the food and beverages that communities have provided for the elders throughout the week.