Elderly Dene Woman Blocking Logging Trucks

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 at 13:31



A Dene woman in her late 60s is staging a blockade of a logging road in northwest Saskatchewan as a protest against the clear-cutting of her trap line.


Agnes Sylvestre began the roadblock late yesterday afternoon near Vermette Lake, and according to her son-in-law, she won’t be leaving until she gets compensated by Mistik Management.


Lawrence Piche says Mistik has already agreed to buy Sylvestre some replacement traps for ones that were destroyed during the clear-cutting.


However, Piche says Sylvestre also wants compensation for the loss of her trap line.


Piche says Sylvestre was aware there had been some logging activity in the area for the last few years.


However, he says the most recent harvesting took place in an area Sylvestre believed was going to remain untouched.


In fact, he says she went to the trouble of re-setting several traps this fall, only to see them destroyed in recent weeks.


Officials with Mistik Management have not been immediately available for comment.