Elder Worried About Future Of Caribou Hunting

Thursday, April 09, 2009 at 15:10



An elder from Black Lake doesn’t believe caribou herds are in decline, but he is concerned what could happen if the government believes they are.


Pierre Robillard is reacting to news that the federal government plans to soon release a report that says caribou herds are in serious decline.


The Canadian Press has obtained a copy of the report, which says half of the herds are not self-sustaining.


The report says caribou herds are likeliest to decline in northern Alberta, northern Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories.


Robillard says he was out three days ago and saw plenty of caribou, so he doesn’t believe they are in decline.


However, he is worried that if the government decides to make them an endangered species, it could affect his traditional way of life.


He notes that the Dene have survived on caribou for centuries.