Eastern Bands Receive Paving Dollars

Monday, February 12, 2007 at 15:32



Bands in Eastern Saskatchewan will finally have paved roads to their community.


Today, the province announced it is pouring $19 million into upgrades to Highway 55.


Currently motorists traveling eastward on the road experience gravel once they get past the turnoff to Carrot River.


Highways minister Eldon Lautermilch says work should begin this spring.


Today’s announcement took place at the Red Earth First Nation community hall where the Chief and leaders from the Shoal Lake Cree Nation were present.


Shoal Lake Chief Marcel Head says having the paved roads will definitely help business ventures.


However, the chief says he doesn’t want the paving to stop there either.


Head is hopeful the province will one day pave the rest of the highway over to Manitoba, so they can tap into the economy there as well.