Drugs Flowing to Northern Reserves a Concern

Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 13:12




The director of the Spirit of the Heart Campaign is slowly wrapping up a tour of Saskatchewan and Alberta First Nations this week.


Ken Ward says the last few weeks have been very helpful to him as he attempts to come up with new ways of promoting healthy lifestyles among people fighting addictions in Prince Albert and surrounding communities.


Ward has talked with band officials in Southend, Mistawasis, and Montreal Lake about the issue of drug use, and will head to Muskoday on Friday.


Ward says leaders on many reserves are getting increasingly concerned about the availability of drugs in Prince Albert, and the spin-off effect it’s having on their communities.


Ward says another initiative he is working on right now is establishing a needle-exchange program for Prince Albert.


Right now, the Prince Albert Parkland Health Authority has stated funding is not available for such an endeavor, but Ward says he will continue pressing the issue.