Doctors Say New Case Is NOT Flesh Eating Disease

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 at 19:14



The Chief Medical Health Officer for the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority says a case resembling flesh-eating disease in the North is NOT the real thing.


Recently, an unidentified man from Patuanak was taken to hospital in Saskatoon with what appeared to be flesh-eating disease.


However, Dr. Mandiangu Nsungu says that while the patient contracted the same microbe as the one that causes flesh-eating disease, or Necrotizing Fasciitis as its known medically, it is not actually the same thing because in this case, none of the sheath under the muscle was destroyed.


Nsungu says he understands the man has been doing well. He adds material was provided to people caring for the man who may have come into contact with the microbe causing his condition.


No new cases have been reported.