Dissident Metis Leaders Call For Referendum

Monday, June 13, 2005 at 12:57



Calls for a new Metis election in Saskatchewan rang out over the weekend at a meeting in Batoche.


Just over 40 people attended the gathering, which saw various proposals tabled about how to end the current dispute over power at the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan.


In the end, a motion was passed to issue a referendum to Metis citizens about whether or not they wished to see a new election called.


The results of that vote would then be given to the provincial government and the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan.


Scott Pacquette of Metis Local 165 in Saskatoon says he approves of the idea, but feels time is running out for that sort of approach to end the dispute.


Pacquette says if an election isn’t called soon, he feels court action will be required.


Meanwhile, some Metis attending the meeting say it’s too bad politics has so entrenched itself in Metis affairs. Darlene Fiddler of Prince Albert says she and her husband long for the day when grassroots Metis will determine their own future — not Metis politicians or the provincial government.


Other Metis attending the meeting say negotiations should once again be attempted with disputed MNS president Dwayne Roth.


Other members at the gathering say a new Metis body needs to be created.