Dagenais Lawyer Argues For Change Of Venue

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 15:41



We won’t know for at least a week whether the murder trial of accused Mountie killer Curtis Dagenais will be moved out of Battleford.


Queen’s Bench Justice Gerry Albright reserved decision on that application for a week to 10 days.


Defence lawyer Bill Roe gave some reasons why he would like to see the trial moved — including the sale of bumper stickers which describe police officers in the case as heroes, the fact golf tournaments have been held in the name of the deceased officers, and the renaming of a Spiritwood arena after the constables.


Crown counsel Scott Bartlett argued in favour of running the trial in Battleford.


He noted jurors are instructed to ignore their biases anyway.


Dagenais has been charged with first-degree murder of RCMP Constables Robin Cameron and Marc Bourdages near Spiritwood in July 2006.


He has also been charged with the attempted murder of a third Mountie.