Cumberland House To Be Profiled In New TV Series

Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 14:09



The lives of people from five different reserves across Canada are the focus of a new five-part series on CPAC.


The series is called “Our Home on Native Land” and profiles reserves across Canada that have varying degrees of success in terms of jobs, housing, and other factors.


One of the reserves profiled is Saskatchewan’s Cumberland House Cree Nation.


The series producer, Dan Fonda, says the series is meant to give Canadians an idea of what it would be like to live on a reserve . . . and adds it is not a political piece about what governments should be doing.


Fonda hopes viewers are given a sense of the strong community ties on each reserve.


The first show in the series airs this Sunday at 6 p.m.


The episode on Cumberland House airs Sunday, July 20th.