Cumberland Delta Ice Conditions Hurting Land Users

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 13:29



A Cumberland House fisher and trapper says he has never seen the ice on area lakes and rivers this unstable this late into December.


John Carriere says, in a normal year, he is able to get out on the ice with his snowmobile to check nets and traps with no trouble by December 5th — but notes the ice is still not safe in many parts of the Cumberland delta.


Carriere notes fishing season opened recently, but only the local fishing co-op president has dared to venture on to the ice, and he encountered problems.


Carriere says not only are the conditions tough to travel on, but making holes in the ice at this stage makes the situation even more unstable.


He says fishers will likely have to wait for the next cold snap before they can start fishing in earnest.