Cree-Way Gas Armed Robbery Accomplice Sentenced

Thursday, January 04, 2007 at 13:26



A 42-year-old Saskatoon woman who helped plan an armed robbery at the Cree-Way Gas Bar three years ago has been sentenced to two years in a federal prison.


Dorothy Parenteau pleaded guilty to three charges of being party to unlawful confinement, and will serve part of her sentence in a healing lodge.


The robbery was actually carried out by Garry Burns and Debbie Ironbow, who entered guilty pleas and were sentenced some time ago.


But Crown prosecutor Michael Segu says Parenteau’s role in the episode can’t be overlooked. Segu says even though she wasn’t the one holding the shotgun, she helped orchestrate the affair and drove the robbers to and from the scene.


Court heard that several employees were verbally threatened during the incident.


The gas bar is located on the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s urban reserve in Saskatoon.


(with files from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix)