Court Begins Hearing Arguments For Metis Land Base
Monday, April 03, 2006 at 15:15
It’s being called the largest land claim in Canadian history.
A court in Winnipeg is beginning to hear arguments today in the case for a large land base for Métis people.
The Manitoba Métis Federation is taking the federal government to court for “unfulfilled treaty promises” made to the Métis people in the 1870 Manitoba Act.
The Métis argue that Sections 31 and 32 of that piece of legislation promised, among other things, a commitment of 1.4 million acres of land for the Métis in Manitoba, including what is now the city of Winnipeg.
They are asking the court to declare over 31 federal enactments and nine provincial enactments unconstitutional and invalid.
The case is expected to be heard over the next three to five months.
Métis National Council president Clem Chartier says it will dramatically affect Crown-Métis relations for generations.