Court allows urban natives to run for council

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 15:50



A court has ruled first nations members living off reserves can run in band council elections.

The court struck down an election provision in the Indian Act that required band members to reside on-reserve, saying it violates part of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The court challenge was initiated by eight members of the Gull Bay First Nation in northwestern Ontario after some band councillors were re-elected.

The Federal Court delayed its ruling for nine months to allow the government to amend legislation to bring the Indian Act into compliance with the Constitution.

Gull Bay Chief Wifred King is pleased with the ruling, saying democratic principles have prevailed.

King believes someone living off the reserve can be just as effective in representing those living in the community.

The Federal ruling will affect about 655 bands across Canada that hold elections under Indian Act regulations and band custom election codes.


(Courtesy of the Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal)