Course Teaches Alternative Dispute Resolution

Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 15:48



Roughly 18 students graduated from a course on alternative dispute resolution yesterday in Prince Albert.


The class was put on by Metis Local 269, through funding provided through the government’s Urban Aboriginal Strategy.


One of the graduates, Prudence Mckenzie, says she intends to put the skills she learned to good use at the victim services unit where she volunteers.


McKenzie believes alternative approaches can also help heal offenders, as well.


York University professor Desmond Ellice helped lead the course.


He says the benefits of alternative mediations — as opposed to the court system — are many. Ellice says not only are ADR processes less costly with less delays, but all the stress and tension associated with going to court is avoided.


He notes some alternative resolution methods are already found in traditional Native ceremonies like healing circles or narrative mediation.