Cook-Searson Pleased With Support For Rivals

Tuesday, April 01, 2008 at 15:21



The chief of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band is not concerned that over two-thirds of the votes in the recent band election went to her opponents.


Chief Tammy Cook-Searson had over 240 votes more than her closest rival — but only 31 per cent of voters marked an “X” next to her name.


Cook-Searson attributes the relatively low percentage to a large and strong field of competitors vying for her position.


She says it was very exciting to see so many people taking an interest in band politics, whether they were voters or candidates.


Cook-Searson says she was “very pleased” with all the people that ran against her, and “very grateful” for the support they received.


Last Friday’s election drew a record turnout of band members.


She adds it is now time to sit down with her new council — which features six new faces — and decide what goals they want to accomplish over the next three years.